Benifits of cloud based CRM for businesses.

cloud crm software development

No matter what product or service you might sell, managing your clients is essential for the growth of your business. 86 % of customers pay more if they get better customer experience and this is the reason 88% of businesses now prioritize the customer experience. Statistically, it might sound pretty easy to offer great service. however, it is reality is far from the truth unless you have a CRM tool.


A cloud-based CRM maintains customer relationships by offering a 360-degree view of customers’ profiles, and their interactions with your company. However, there’s more to than meets the eye. what are those? Find out below:


Easier access: You can access your email Id from any device and any place, right? isn’t that convenient? Of course, it is. Likewise, your email service, if you opt for cloud-based CRM, you will be able to access your CRM data from any device with an active internet connection. This flexible accessibility feature will greatly help to boost many business aspects. Cloud-based CRM is perfect for mobile users. They will be able to access everything remotely. which means greater efficiency, faster responses and the capability to make adjustments and act on new data in an instant.


Flexible & Affordable: The cloud CRM tool sometimes is more affordable than traditional solutions. However, if you are opting out for a monthly subscription, you will spend more. the solution is to go for custom CRM software development. Yes, at the beginning, it will cost more, however, in the long run, you will get the full benefit of owning your own choice of software. Custom CRM software is more flexible, scalable and the list goes on. You can find the top benefits of custom CRM in our blog- Major benefits of CRM software for your business .


Easy installation: The days are gone when you have to go through a prolonged and costly installation process. The efficiency and speed in which they can be integrated is a major factor in their success for several organizations requiring an effective solution without having to wait. A few click here and there, and you are done!


Better security: When you are moving customer data frequently from one PC to another, the data can get corrupted or worse it may get lost. Customer data is sensitive and as a responsible business owner, you must find ways to protect them. Since cloud-based CRM can be accessed from anywhere remotely, you don’t need to transfer the data manually, which reduces the risk of data getting lost or corrupted. Simply the authorized person login and can look at the customer data he/ she might need without risking anything.


Scalability: Your business will grow and so does your CRM system. However, if you use traditional CRM, you need to add more servers to store new customer data. However, if you opt for cloud-based custom software development, you will be able to avoid the cost of adding more servers every now and then. Cloud-based CRM eliminates the expense of additional servers with a small amount of extra data storage space on your cloud.

Cloud-based CRM benefits come in many numbers. From saving precious time to overall business expenses for making the business processes more easier and more efficient, using anything other than Cloud CRM solutions becomes hard to grasp once the switch has been made.


If you want to know more about CRM,  read this blog– top CRM benefits for sales managers. Want to talk to a CRM expert? Get in touch with the best CRM software development company in Delhi- CRIMS. Our expert CRM adviser is waiting for your call.

Technologies and trends to get your CRM ready for 2020.

custom based cloud crm software

With the continuous rapid development of technologies and the advent of smartphones, IoT, AI,  the modern-day CRM software needs are well equipped with advanced technology and play well with other existing business applications to offer more advanced features.  Offering advancement in overall customer relationship management strategy.


Though 2020 is knocking on the front door, still today, business owners are looking for the best way to utilize CRM or other technology to offer greater customer services on every channel. Is your CRM 2020 ready? If not, fortunately, we are here to offer you guidance. To help you stay ahead of your competitors, look at these trends that will transform the CRM software in 2020.


Mobile CRM: Salespeople don’t sit by the desk to draw customers. They generally spend most of their time chasing clients outside the comfort of the office environment. When they are out on a client call, they must be able to get relevant customer data from anywhere, at any time. This will enable them to speed up customer engagement and make the overall workflow more efficient. Thinking about custom CRM software development for 2020? Make sure your CRM has mobile readiness.


Social media with CRM: Your prospects are spending more time on social and engaging them where they dwell make sense. By integrating social media features in your custom CRM software, you can efficiently offer real-time feedback, deliver exceptional customer services, and run social media marketing.


IoT integration: The world of business is constantly changing because of the internet. Today, the internet has become an integral part of everyone’s life. Not only humans are making use of the internet to communicate with each other, but devices are using the same to talk to each other. CRM software development companies have taken the steps to integrate IoT with CRM. This merger will offer customers the right information about the company, product, delivery date and time. The important data enhances the consumer experience, therefore they will end up purchasing more services and products own rather than working with a sales representative and go for sales crm software.


Big data integration: Earlier CRM used to lack in gather authentic and reliable data. However, with the advent of Big data things have started to change positively. CRM development companies can now integrate Big data into CRM to offer business more filtered data based on the most relevant input that increases the opportunity to sell more. So when you are developing or updating a CRM for 2020, don’t forget to integrate Big Data with your CRM.


Focus on simplicity: It’s been there from the beginning and it will stay as long as a CRM tool exists. Needless to mention, simplicity matters no matter which year you are living in. While integrating state of the art futuristic features into your CRM, don’t forget to ask the CRM development company to make things simple and usable so the adoption rate increases.


Are you ready for CRM 2020?


Already have a CRM? It is time to work with a CRM software development company to keep your CRM ahead of the curve in 2020. If you are considering a new CRM, and need more information before engaging with a custom software development company, you can get it here. Need more personalized answers? Contact CRIMS our professionals are available 24/7 to answer your queries.


Many advances in CRM technology are happening in 2019. AI, AR, IoT, and omnichannel interactions will play an essential part in CRMs. CRM transformation is a continuous process and it is worth keeping a close eye on. Keeping up with the trends in CRM is vital. You must be ready to evolve with the times and stay competitive in your sphere.

Why does a company need an ERP system?

ERP Software Development

It is certain that whenever a small business starts to grow and become more prosperous, there is a growing demand for more reliable business management systems. When an organization is limited or just starting, it will presumably work with Excel to track and record stocks, Quick Books for accounting & bookkeeping and maybe some off the shelf software for invoicing and shipping.


This software works fine until you grow to the point where you have many people working on your data and systems. At this point, utilizing different non-integrated software to do the work becomes complex & downright risky. This is usually the time when a business looks to develop and adopt a more robust and enterprise-wide solution like an ERP software.


ERP software development is a time-consuming process. However, the systems are far more elaborate and far more potent. They are meant to grow and evolve into a business and are regularly being updated to keep up with technological, economic, social and legislative developments. In short, the ERP is the one-stop, one-size-fits-all solution for your business and the advantages are many. You can find a few of them- Advantages and Disadvantages of an enterprise resource planning system.


Let’s briefly review about Why Do You Need an ERP Solution:


Company-Wide Data: One of the major benefits you will get through ERP software development is that your business’ data will now be handled through one central nexus. You don’t need to bother about duplicate copies of the same information and how that can cause erase errors, overwriting and other backup dilemmas. You’ll have all the information handled through the network by every department, which you will be ready to access, anytime on the go from any device.


Flexibility: As mentioned, ERP development is a continuous process and constantly being updated and patched by the ERP software development company to keep them current. These custom ERP systems are modular for specific business tasks outside the core functions. This means that you have the flexibility to set up its management software to run in a very specific fashion to meet your particular business demand.


Inventory Monitoring: Keeping the count of expanding inventory is a genuine concern for a growing business. However, the process of ERP software development is going for a prolonged time and ERP software development companies are introducing features such as Barcoding, RFID tags and serial numbers to make the process easy. These features will help the users to keep track of everything happening in the warehouses with ease. The enhances insight of the warehouse will help to simplify the pick, pack and ship process by eliminating guesswork.


This is by no means a complete list, although it does go through some basic ideas of how powerful and long term an ERP system can be for your business. A system built by the best  ERP software development company in Delhi, like Unicode Solutions, will be a priceless foundation of any business. As long as the system is maintained, updated properly and provided a regular set of checkups, it will be precious to your company’s growth and success. Want to know more about ERP systems? Check out our previous post- what is ERP and what can it do for our business?

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