Reasons why sales people need CRM.

best sales crm software

Historically speaking, the sales team always used paper and pen to collect data about quality leads. They used to run building to the building without a reliable process. Things have changed now a days for good. Sales teams have adopted integrated systems that can assist the sales reps to gather leads faster than bullet trains! Sales is a tough job, especially if things are not well organized, and you either have a reliable sales process or you don’t have at all. However, those who have adopted Customer Relationship Management software generally have a reliable process.


When salespeople are adequately trained on the CRM software, sales reps, then become more efficient in what they do. The study by Innoppl claims that more than 60% of sales reps who have used CRM fulfilled their sales quotas, and a staggering 78% of those who didn’t use CRM did not achieve their targets.


Find below some reasons why do salespeople need CRM ?


Safe Storage Space: Your sales team can relax by realizing their leads, contacts, etc. is safely filed away in the centrally stored CRM. The Customer Relationship Management software offers uninterrupted access to the centralized database from any device having an active internet connection from any location. Rest assured that your data won’t just get lost.


Increase sales opportunities:  For instance, if you know your clients have contacted your agency more than 6 times for the service of a compressor, you might be interested to sell him/ her a new compressor with an extended warranty. The manual process can’t find this kind of opportunity. However, CRM can find out these opportunities very easily and efficiently.


Competitive Analysis:  No matter what business you own, you will face fierce competition every single day to stay afloat. There is much organization in the market and with their financial muscle they can lure away your precious customers.  Competitive analysis will help you to put up a good fight.  CRM software for Sales Management software helps businesses by offering a deep insight into the brand, distribution channels, post-purchase service and many more. By making use of CRM’s competitive analysis,  businesses can benchmark their own practices and processes.


Get closer to your customer: CRM not only helps to save customer data, but it also saves the important dates and occasions of your customer as well. Your sales reps can wish your customers their birthday, anniversary, etc., which will help to boost customer relationships. Remember that more communication means a stronger relationship. CRM further helps to boost after sales service to keep your customer satisfied as well.


Save Money & sale more:  CRM software for Sales Management is an investment and if implemented correctly, they can save or make you money. A sales CRM software is designed to find and solve your sales dilemmas, along with other difficulties that may come up. Your sales reps save time, make error-free moves and make more sales. Save money and make more sales.


In short, if sales reps use CRM correctly the business will boost revenue and the sales team will be able to do a better search, filter qualify leads; follow-up on sales opportunities and increase target reach rates faster.  If you’re having trouble finding the best CRM or want to know the development cost of CRM, we can help.

How Software Development can help your business?

custom CRM software development company delhi India

Your business is unique and so is your target audience. Even though there are many businesses available in the market with similar services and products, the reality is, you won’t find a hundred percent similarity among them. The user experience also offered by the businesses tend to differ a lot. The way they handle a customer query also not the same. All this leads to one conclusion which is, your business is unique and this is the reason you must develop systems that deliver a unique experience to your business. So how can a customer software help you to stand out from the crowd?


Uniqueness: As we said earlier that every business is unique and there’s no single magic bullet to hit every target. This is the reason you must consider a customized approach to fulfill your specific business needs. And a custom software development company can help in this regard and they can develop unique software for your business, target audience and market. All your needs will be personally addressed. It will automate your several business processes in a way that ready-made software cannot. There can be more reasons to get your own custom CRM tool which you can check out in our other blogs.


Processes Become Optimized: When your business software plays nicely with your existing applications, you will be able to enhance your business process to run at their optimal levels. A custom CRM/ ERP software doesn’t require you to make changes to your existing software or business process. Instead, software development companies take note of your existing applications or business process to build the application tailored to your business model so you won’t face any compatibility issues in the future. The goal here is to boost your business process, not to replace them.


Scalability: Every business wants to grow and scale up their inventory.  Scalability means adding new products, services, features or functionality in an already existing application. Where ready-made software will never give you that much flexibility to scale up without paying a hefty fee, custom software, on the other hand, gives you unparalleled possibility to scale up. If you are tech-savvy, you can add those products or service details by yourself. However, if you want to add new features, just give a call to your preferred custom software development company. They will take care of everything. Now, during the initial phase, you must be careful and choose software wisely to gain the scalability feature.


More Security: This is one of the most underrated elements of owning a custom business software. Do you know why Windows PC is the most vulnerable OS? Well, the reason is the number of users. This concept is similarly applicable to a ready-made software as well. Since they have many users, shady people will try to exploit their vulnerabilities. However, custom software is being used by a few people and within your organization only. Hence, the chances are being attacked by a malicious cyber-attack reduced to.


Above mentioned points are not completed at all. The reason is the benefits your business can gain from a custom software is immense. So, if you really want to see your business grow, don’t waste your time anymore. Your competitors are already growing by using personalized business software and it is time you make use of custom software to scale up your business too.

How much does CRM Software Development cost?

custom CRM software development company delhi India

Before we start to talk about the development cost CRM, first, let’s fall back a bit behind and understand why someone must consider a CRM in the first hand. According to Entrepreneur, 46% sales team reports the overflowing use of the CRM system. The average ROI on CRM software is more than USD 8 on every USD 1. An efficient CRM developed by software development companies can boost revenue growth by 29 percent.


According to Nutshell, 24% more sales employees fulfilled their annual target by utilizing CRM software. The same organization also said that 47% of CRM users seen a significant impact on customer satisfaction after integrating CRM software. So, we believe that those numbers can be enough to prove the point of the need for CRM. However, if you want to know, you can reach here.


Now let’s get back to the business and have a discussion about how much this spectacular business application costs! Before starting off, we would like to say that, no one can offer you the exact cost, the price varies in many aspects, they are as follows:


Size: The calculation of the overall CRM cost is quite straightforward here. The more users you have, the more resources you will need and to do so, you have to pay more. We have walked on several big and small custom CRM development projects and we believe we can give you a rough estimate here. Generally, if you have 10-20 users, you will have to pay about USD 5K to 8K. If your CRM size is medium and the users are more than 25 but less than 40, you need to make sure you have budgeted about USD10K to 25K and finally, if the users are more than 50, the cost will start from USD 30K.


The type of CRM: If you are considering subscription-based CRM, then definitely you will pay more. Yes, you heard that right. While paying a monthly small amount of subscription charge may sound affordable, however, you won’t stop paying for a prolonged time and in the end, you will pay a lot without gaining anything. What we mean is, if you opt for a custom CRM solution, you will spend a good amount of money at the beginning and you own the software. You can do whatever you want or maybe you can sell it if you have to. Custom CRM is an investment, however, subscription-based models aren’t.


Complexity: The more complex your CRM, the more you pay. Functions such as social media integration, multiple payment gateways, data migration, etc. These features take a lot of resources to integrate into CRM and definitely, a CRM software development company will charge you more. Don’t opt-in for a lot of features, integrate only what you need to reduce expenses.


Mobile CRM: Your sales representative won’t be able to close a deal by sitting inside the office. They must go out to drive more revenue. Now, carrying a laptop all the time is not possible, although the smartphone is. This is the reason the mobile CRM trend is on the rise and if you need a mobile CRM, your software development company will charge more.


As you can see the cost depend totally upon your need. Yes, a CRM might appear expensive, but the same software can help reduce costs for your business if you consider these tips first. If you are ready to build your custom CRM, you can contact CRIMS . We’ll work with you to make one that best custom CRM tool for your business needs.

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