Benefits of CRM for Ecommerce Business

Best Ecommerce CRM Software Development Company

As competition between eCommerce business becomes fiercer, the need for providing improved customer experience has grown incredibly; now, more and more businesses are adopting custom CRM systems personalized to fulfil their particular needs. Nowadays, platforms like Salesforce & Magento revolutionize the way businesses engage with their clients. However, these platforms together with a CRM give you a competitive advantage in your eCommerce business, given you choose the Best eCommerce CRM development. This post will go through the many advantages of having a tailored CRM for eCommerce Business. If you want to know about the custom CRM development cost, you can find help here.


Customer Segmentation: The moment I log in to my social media account after searching for some services and products in the search engine, my feed is filled with highly personalized ads and like me, a huge number of users end up clicking on them. I am certain you know what I am talking about! By gathering information about search patterns, social media giants show us the ads that we are most likely to click. If you are running an eCommerce business, wouldn’t you want the same with your prospects?


A custom CRM can collect the search data to offer curated services as well. They can segment overall leads by gender, interests (fashion, gadgets, etc.), spending history and so on. based on the reports, your sales reps can able to communicate with customers in the best possible way to boost sales.


Efficient Use of Time: Do you know sales reps are only spends about 11% of their time on sales? Most of the time they generally spent on solving other general administrative issues. CRM software can automate most of the repetitive administration work so your sales reps can get time to what they are good at, sales.


Most Relevant Information: How many customers are buying and how many are leaving your eCommerce shop? How many of them added the product in the cart and just left? These are crucial that a business must pose in order to find the reason why they didn’t go through the sales funnel. Best eCommerce, CRM software to analyse these data and offer great insight so you can take appropriate measure before it’s too late. According to a study conducted by Baymard, the common cart abandonment rate is a huge 68.81%. However, with the implementation of Custom CRM software development, one can take considerable action to reduce cart abandonment rates.


Social Media Interactions insight: If you are an eCommerce business, we bet you are making use of social media to drive more customers. With the growing number of internet users, a considerable amount of traffic is coming through a platform such as Facebook, Instagram and many more. These platforms are also a major source of customer queries, requests, and reviews. In fact, 42 percent of consumers put a complaint on social media and they expect an answer within 60 minutes or else they will have a bad experience. To make sure your customers get exceptional social media response, invest in Custom CRM software development company. Because a CRM comes with a powerful tool that can monitor and assign job-based customer priority to deliver the best customer service.




So what do you think? Have you decided to build a fully-featured custom CRM for your eCommerce business? Worried about how much time will it take to build Custom Software? Get in touch with us with all your doubts and to let us assist you to develop the best tech-savvy, up to date, and state of the art CRM.

Is it secure to hire an Offshore Software Development team?

offshore software development company

Sending works offshore is not a new trend. It’s been there from the inception of WWW and so far, it has been proven as one of the best ways to reduce business expenses to maximize revenue. When you outsource offshore custom software development job, you must follow through Best practices when Outsourcing Software Development to obtain the greatest benefits. Studies have proven that 59% of businesses outsource to decrease or control their software development costs. 57% of businesses do it to solely concentrate on their business objectives. According to the survey, 78% of business owners throughout the globe are satisfied with their outsourcing partners. So the numbers are impressive, right? Unfortunately, some people went through bad experiences as well.


Every possibility and opportunity comes with risk and offshore software development is not immune to a bad reputation as well. However, if you do follow through some basic tips, you can mitigate the risks associated with offshore custom software development to obtain better results.


Confidentiality of information: Safeguarding your intellectual property should be your priority when you are talking to an offshore software development company. When you are discussing your project ideas, goal, etc. you have to make sure that this information doesn’t fall in the wrong hand. To mitigate this risk you can ask your preferred software development company to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA). An NDA is a legal document that binds two parties in legal to constrain where they can’t share confidential information with 3rd party.


Search for Expertise: It is essential that you look out for professional and experienced service providers who will work tirelessly to meet your professional requirements adhering to industry standards. Look out for offshore software development companies’ previous work and try to find out if in the past, they did work on a similar project or not.


Discuss Contract Details: A transparent business agreement is essential for a successful outsourcing business. You must write clearly in the agreement about your requirements what was agreed upon during the project negotiations- clear the scope, timeline and milestone and ask the offshore custom software development company if they understand everything clearly or not.


Technology Gap: Technology variations can create obstacles. It is vital to guarantee that the hardware and software platforms adopted by offshore teams are fit with the intended platforms on which the ultimate software product will run. As one of the best offshore software development company in India, we go through our client’s existing software and hardware capability to offer the best products and so far we have been able to offer custom software that works in harmony with other existing intended platforms.


End Note:


As  Mark Zuckerberg often says that the greatest risk can anyone take is by not taking any risk at all. In the world of competitiveness, the risk-taking ability can deliver a tremendous source of growth. Considering you took the risk with proper planning, clear business objectives, and communication.


So coming to the question Is it secure to Hire an Offshore Software Development team? Well, definitely it is if you follow through the above tips. If you have a plan and looking for the best outsourcing agencies to discuss with full confidentiality, get in touch with us. Our years of experience in offshore software development will serve you well.

How Sales CRM helps increase revenue?

Best Sales CRM Software development company in Delhi

Only about 13% of business was using CRM in 2008 and the number has changed to more than 87% today. The acceptance of CRM applications has increased in huge numbers. In 2010 the total business of CRM software was $14 billion which again increases to $80 billion by 2025. Calculate the number and you will find an unprecedented 600% increase! Today more than 90% business with 10 or more employees make use of sales CRM software to boost their revenue and this is very commonly considering the average return on their investment is $8.71 for each dollar spent. Businesses that use CRM software for Sales Management have seen tremendous growth in their selling capacity. They have increased sales by 29%, productivity has increased by 35% and decision making accuracy increased by 42%. (Source: Salesforce). So, CRM is definitely bringing changes in the world of business and if you are considering integrating one to boost your sales, then you are on the right track.


Find Below How CRM Increase Revenue


Higher selling capacity: Sales are the backbone of your business growth and with the integration of sales CRM software development, your sales reps will sell like a pro. Studies have proven that easy data accessibility through sales CRM has shortened sales reps sales cycle by 8 to 14 %. Another study conducted by Nucleus Research found that CRM has increased the productivity of salespeople by 26.4%. With the integration of CRM, your salespeople will do what they are good at, and they will complete their annual target and it is proven fact that 24% more sales reps achieve annual sales quota with the induction of CRM. These numbers have all leads to efficient sailing and business growth.


Balanced Customer Relationships: CRM can turn a prospect into a loyal customer and they drive more sales. CRM software has a built-in feature that analyzes customer data and offers personalized service. A customer today are willing to pay more if they get tailored experience and CRM help to deliver that. In fact, according to Nutshell, more than 45% of CRM users agreed upon the fact that sales CRM software significantly increased their overall customer retention. And the same research group also found that 47% of CRM users have boosted their customer satisfaction significantly.


Lead nurturing: Lead nurturing is essential to drive more revenue. If your lead nurturing methods are efficient enough you will be able to lead maximum prospects successfully through sales funnel. Unfortunately, more than 70% of business owners don’t have any defined lead nurturing process to convert leads into loyal customers. However, CRM software for Sales Management can streamline the lead nurturing process by automating tasks such as email notification, reminder, social media marketing and more.


Prioritize important request: Sales CRM software development is crucial to prioritize customer’s tasks. CRM software can analyze customer interaction in order to understand how critical the situation is. CRM keeps the most important task in the top so customer representative can get in touch with the distressed customer promptly. 2019 is the year of the customer and it will stay this is for prolong time so it’s better to integrate CRM by keeping in mind technologies and trends to 2020.


As you can see, the need for CRM is obvious, if you are not thinking about integrating it now, you are making your competitor’s life easy and losing a lot. If your business has been following a traditional way to sell services or products, it is time you move onto the 21st century with the help of the best sales CRM software development company in India.


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