5 Ways CRM Can Help Reduce Costs for Your Business

CRM Software Development Company

When a business cut costs efficiently, profits tend to scale-up exponentially. However, how does a business reduce costs? Well, the most common method is by reducing the wastage of resource of course. The dilemma is, how would you identify what’s being wasted in the first place? We can understand, for a human being, it would be too difficult to find the answer. Thankfully, Custom CRM software Development makes it easier for entrepreneurs to achieve just that. And not just in one or two, but 5 distinct ways.


Reduce marketing expenses: According to marketing studies, without a CRM system, 79% of all marketing leads are never converted to sales. And the reason behind this is wrong targeted customers or marketing efforts as a whole. A CRM collect and analyse enormous data to find out the perfect customer profile that just needs a little push to make the purchase. So, in the end, you are targeting people who have already shown interest to buy from you, rather than wasting resources on unfavourable leads.


Boost productivity: A sales team has multiple distinct functions ranging from marketing, customer service, billing, etc. Managing all of these functions can be a daunting task. There are so many disadvantages of not using Sales CRM. CRM can seamlessly integrate all functions at a single dashboard. So, no more productivity loss on constantly window switching to get customer info. Everything is there at your fingertips, ready to be accessed at a moment’s notice.


Eliminate paper costs: Your investment cost of CRM software can save the planet! Yes, that’s right. CRM reduces the use of paper significantly in the organization. On the one hand, it reduces paper or printing costs. And on the opposite hand, for your cause, no tree is being uprooted. Think about this when developing your company’s CSR policy!


Scalability: CRM is scalable which is great for a growing business. This means, once your business starts to grow, you don’t need to build a new system from scratch. Which is requires a hefty investment? CRM is modular and flexible; you can add new features or remove existing ones with a moment’s notice by simply talking to a CRM Software development company.


Improve tracking: Your teams can track their every process. Sales teams can follow every single lead status, the marketing team can follow conversion status, and the service team can track feedback, grievance and much more. Greater accountability leads to low overheads.



As we can see there are many ways to decrease the overall cost of an organization by introducing a CRM. For modern-day business, to taste success, one must not neglect the importance of the CRM system. So are you ready to cut down your business expenses to boost ROI? If yes, let’s talk more over a call with the best Sales CRM software company in Delhi, CRIMS.

4 Ways to Manage Your After Sales Service Effectively

After sales services software management

The concept of after-sales isn’t just a theory anymore. Effective after-sales service has proven to be a proven business process that enhances customer satisfaction, engagement, and retention.


With an effective after-sales service after the usual sales process, you can tangibly affect the likelihood & possibilities for repeat business as well as referrals. Check out these four essential tips for effective after-sales management and service.


Make it personal: There are many options available to choose from to boost your after-sales service. One of the best ways to do this is by making the entire process personal. You do this by sending personalized notes, messages, voice record or emails. Now, sending personalized content to thousands of customers is a gigantic work and humanly not possible. To overcome this situation, you can use After Sales Service Management Software.


Award incentive: Offer your customers a good reason to come back. Now, this reason could be incentives, offers or discounts.  But, before offering any incentive, first, understand what your customer exactly needs or wants. Every customer has their own unique need, and this can be tracked through After-sales management software. Make use of this tool to recognize what your customers are looking for. Offer them the deal they need. It shows you value their business and want a long-term relationship.


Offer the best: Regardless of what is going on with your business, it’s not the problem of your customers. They deserve impeccable service from you 24/7. Treat them like they are the world to you and don’t give them a reason to think otherwise. No matter what Customer service software you make use of, ultimately it is you and the customer. So, make sure the part where you are getting involved is clear.


Ask for feedback: Telling your customers to give feedback about your product and service will let them know their thoughts are being valued. If you improve your service adhering to their feedback, they will come back for more. Because you have answered their grievance and you valued their individual thoughts.


To conclude, good after-sales service is impeccable for many reasons. However, managing and maintaining a healthy customer relationship is a tough job. In this regard, you can always rely on after Sales Service Management Software providers dedicated to boosting your customer/ after-sales service, even if it is 6 am on Sunday morning, automatically!

Sales Automation CRM for Business

Sales CRM Software Development

A successful and growing business requires a sound tool to manage different growing business aspects & resources. If you plan to rely on the old traditional way of handling things, then you are risking your businesses’ well-being. The most efficient way to manage a growing business is by introducing automation software.


What is Sales Automation & Why You Must Use it?


These are specialized tools made by a sales CRM software development company that streamlines the different processes of your sales department. Besides this, these tools are modular and can do numerous other jobs and can handle other departments efficiently as well. This translates to more free time for your employees to do more critical tasks.


How is it Useful?

1.  Get a 360-degree detailed insight into valuable customer information. Sales reps have clear visibility into their leads, connections, contacts, assignments, events, notes, documents, etc. They can obtain this data from anywhere at any time. The end result is, your sales reps witness a 15 % increase in productivity!


2. The sales CRM software comes with an integrated calendar to better manage their time. They can further rely on the data fetched by the same CRM tool to better prioritize their jobs/ responsibilities and spend time carefully on closing more deals. There are so many disadvantages of not using Sales CRM.


3. Sales Automation CRM comes with a detailed customer record page. Where sales reps get the details of every Calls, Cases, Purchase History, Payment History, etc. in a single easy to access the dashboard. Having this crucial information available on few clicks gives ultimate flexibility to sales reps to offer exceptional customer service.


4. Opportunity tracking might be the best feature of Sales CRM software. In this automation method, a CRM place leads in a particular and distinct place in the sales funnel. This enables sales reps to see which step of the sales process each of their leads is. And this assists them to take the proper steps with the client. Keeping track of these benefits in optimizing sales profits.


5. The automation possibilities don’t end with the list above. Because there are more. When you’re researching specific CRMs, have a list handy of what automation you’re looking for so you can weigh each solution’s value and fit. Do you need an automated CRM system? The answer is probably “yes!”So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with the best sales CRM software development company CRIMS now.

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