How to choose the best CRM tool for your business?

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Much more than just a place to save contact details, a CRM or Customer Customer relationship management is a great tool that enables even the smallest businesses to ‘punch beyond its weight’ when it comes to gaining new leads, drive more traffic, following up prospects and more.


However, this enormous benefit will be lost if you fail to choose the best and most appropriate CRM tool for your business in the first place. In this blog, you will learn how to select the best CRM tool which can help you to fulfil your business goal. When you are done with this blog, you will know exactly what to get and where to go in order to obtain the best CRM system that drives high ROI.


Tips choosing CRM software:


Features:Few features are common and come in almost every single CRM system like contact management, while others have some unique features such as Outlook Integration. Know what features you need most, evaluate all the options and pay attention to how the features can directly affect your business results.


Ease of use: How easy to use is the CRM you are choosing? One common mistake done by many business owners is by purchasing a system where the learning curve is steep and difficult for employees to use.
If the navigation and features are not user-friendly, the adoption of the tool will blow, and your CRM will make you less efficient. If some team members are using it and others are not, you lose alignment throughout the team, and data integration goes out of the window!


Integrations: A good CRM tool must work in harmony with your existing software. If your CRM software doesn’t work properly in accordance with email, for example, you are in a world of constant pain! Various business experts emphasis on seamless integration and if you selected CRM tool doesn’t easily integrate with your existing platforms, it is time you look elsewhere.


Find a Program that saves your time: One of the greatest advantages of having a CRM system in the first place is it’s the ability to save time on customer communication. So it is essential that you evaluate the system and check if it is fulfilling it’s the basic purpose and helping to accomplish your business goal.


Product Demo: It is highly advisable that you ask for a product demo to the vendor before buying it. This is your one and only chance to push the limit of the CRM tool. Try to break it if you can! With an extensive taste, you will know the strength and the weaknesses of the tool for your businesses’ needs. Many business owners ask for a demo and barely scratch the surface. If you want to utilize the CRM to the fullest, take your time and taste in round the clock.


Selecting the correct CRM for your organisation is essential. Above checkpoints will definitely help you to get started, however, make sure you spend enough time in the research and test process. You must choose a CRM tool that works great with your business, as selecting the right CRM tool will determine your businesses’ survivability in the market.

Top 4 reasons to get your own custom CRM tool

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The center of any business is its relationship with its clients. Managing this relationship with the customers is necessary to build customer loyalty, which directly affects your revenue graph. In the past, this meant storing customer’s files in heavy metal cabinets. These days, however, successful businesses depend on online CRM tool and application to automate processes & streamline a client’s journey through sales funnel.


CRM software offers several ways to track your customer and automate workflows. However, the problem is that off the shelf CRM sometimes come with the features that are not necessary and expensive. While they may be able to present some solution to ensure your business is not going downhill, however, sometimes what your company wants is a system uniquely personalised to fulfill your needs- and this is where custom CRM systems come in.


Several well-known software vendors like SAP and Oracle offers business CRM systems, however, there are two serious problems with their off the shelf solutions: difficulty in integration and inflated price.Rather spending tons of cash into a complicated CRM tool, why not build a lightweight and efficient customised CRM tool at a fraction of the cost? It might sound like a daunting task; however, Crims CRM platform enables you to build a CRM system from scratch in less time than it would take to customise a big vendor’s CRM.


Following are the top 4 reasons to develop your own Custom CRM:


Personalize as per your need:
Pre-built or off the shelf CRM software are built to appeal all sort of businesses. They are packed with several types of functions and features that might not be relevant to your organisation. And these extra features don’t come in free. You are paying for the features which you are not using or causing a problem. Now sink into that thought for a while! Imagine you are in the market to buy CRM software for your sales team to track activities of your customers, however, you opt-in a CRM tool that is filled with add ons like corporate social media integration to complex marketing automation functionality!

With a custom- built CRM developed by CRM Company, you get exactly what you want. This reduces the training time of your team members and there’s no reason for the confusion among the team since the tool is designed based on the workflow that they are already familiar with.


You will gain a competitive business advantage:
If you know that your competition is also using the same CRM as you are then there is no benefit of having it as it won’t going to make any difference. In contrast, if you own a Custom CRM tool, your business can make important changes in your CRM automation process which can make sure you will stay ahead of your competitors. By having a CRM, made by best CRM software Development Company, you will empower users to create an efficient and creative business plan which assists leadership to have more control over business and operations.


Have access to more affordable operations:
There is an enormous cost associated with the integration of off the shelf CRM. However, a custom CRM can help to reduce the cost by implementing CRM in the area most in need to eliminate unnecessary spending. By doing so, you will grow your ROI while helping your business stay within a budget. Moreover, it decreases the expense of training needed of staff for the new CRM because the custom CRM eliminates the requirement for extensive training, with the CRM being in line with the existing business method.


Better Analytics:
A CRM developed by Custom CRM development company allows better analytics to engage business needs, while a conventional CRM presents common reports very critical to the firm. With the help of custom CRM, one can discover the method that is more important and get detailed analytics for it. It further helps in making significant changes while improving work productivity.

It isn’t wrong if we say the implementation process of custom CRM is expensive at the beginning. However, after successful implementation, you and your business will observe the clear effect of having a custom CRM tool made by Custom CRM Development Company in Delhi NCR, India, like Unicode Solutions. As the process is expensive, it is crucial that you have a clear understanding of what you want. Need help to know more about custom CRM tool? Contact us to get professional advice. We are here to serve your need 24/7.


A solution that is meant for you:
To help people who are searching for an affordable way to build a custom CRM tool for their business, CRIMS is something that they might have a look into. Developed by the best Custom CRM Development Company in Delhi NCR, India, this particular tool can serve your need in various aspects. It is affordable, reliable and above all, it is user-friendly and can track every single interaction of your prospect so you can put the selling speech at the right time!


How CRM software can help the sales team to achieve sales goals

custom CRM software development company delhi India

If you have been searching for a way to manage and enhance your entire sales team, then a CRM software or Customer Relationship Management tool is exactly what you need. The development of CRM software has been going on for quite a long time now. And as a result, today, this software has evolved as an ultimate tool to manage contact, share data, track and coordinate leads with just a few clicks.


Let’s take a look at some of the particular CRM benefits that most certainly help sales people to achieve their goals faster and improve the overall customer experience as well:


Enjoy a reliable storage space:
Business throughout history has faced the problem of accessing customer data at will. However, CRM software’s data management process is unmatched if you compare with traditional approaches like maintaining spreadsheets. CRM helps the entire team to safely store customer contact, activities, sales opportunity, and scheduled plans in one place. Need to access data when you or your sales team is not in the office? Guess what, CRM software offers you the flexibility to view and edit the data from multiple locations. With CRMs’ cloud service, you can make sure the customer data won’t get lost if the PC malfunctioned.


Plan and manage- time like a pro
CRM helps sales people to make sure key prospects are not being ignored by scheduling and prioritising tasks. In fact, CRM software allows sales people to spend more time with clients, this helps to gain more successful leads and a loyal and strong customer base.


Get hassle-free activity reports
Do you want to check how your sales team is performing? CRM allows people to easily make their weekly and monthly reports. This process is automated. It just takes a few clicks to share the sales data with the other team members or managing bodies. This report can make sure no sales opportunities are being missed.


Stop searching, start targeting
Like CRIMS, many can offer you to segment data of customers to identify the best sales possibilities. This CRM software development company in Delhi prevents you hours of going through the hundreds of disorganised pages to look for a promising lead. Always remember, ” time is money”!


Stay up-to-date
CRM software shares every piece of data with each sales members. With shared data, now the sales team can keep a keen eye on what’s happening with the customers. By looking through those data, now the sales team has the power to come up with a plan that can make sure your prospect is your loyal customer.


Establish timely connection
By tracking all conversations with the clients, CRM helps sales people to understand exactly when clients need to be contacted; for instance, for product replacement, renewal of the contract, or for an upsell to a brand new product or service. This all enhances your chances of closing a sale.


Offer tailor experience
Since CRM stores all customer- related data, it can use this data to analyse what kind of product or services your client is looking for or what problem they are facing. You can use this data to offer a tailored experience to your customers.


Cut down on unnecessary tasks and increase sales
Extracting sales data, segregation, keeping notes, these jobs are usually done by the sales team or office admin teams. These processes are time-consuming and labour-intensive. If you have taken help from a custom CRM software development company then you don’t have to worry about manually storing everything in a spreadsheet. CRM can take care of all of those above mentioned and more process automatically and efficiently. As a result, now your team has more time to contact your prospect and successfully land a deal.


Save money
As a software development service provider, we would be absolutely transparent with you at this moment. It is true that CRM software is not that much cost efficient if you compare to the traditional way of spreadsheets or bookkeeping methods. However, we would also like to let you know that, after implementation, you will get the return on your investment within a few months. It will save money and reduce unwanted and stupid mistakes that may cost you a fortune in the long run.


Clients are precious for your business and as your sales team directly interacting with them, it is your responsibility to offer them the tools they need to better serve your customers. Do not put your business at risk, invest in custom CRM tools and prove that your clients and your employees matter to you.


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