Sales Automation CRM for Business

Sales CRM Software Development

A successful and growing business requires a sound tool to manage different growing business aspects & resources. If you plan to rely on the old traditional way of handling things, then you are risking your businesses’ well-being. The most efficient way to manage a growing business is by introducing automation software.


What is Sales Automation & Why You Must Use it?


These are specialized tools made by a sales CRM software development company that streamlines the different processes of your sales department. Besides this, these tools are modular and can do numerous other jobs and can handle other departments efficiently as well. This translates to more free time for your employees to do more critical tasks.


How is it Useful?

1.  Get a 360-degree detailed insight into valuable customer information. Sales reps have clear visibility into their leads, connections, contacts, assignments, events, notes, documents, etc. They can obtain this data from anywhere at any time. The end result is, your sales reps witness a 15 % increase in productivity!


2. The sales CRM software comes with an integrated calendar to better manage their time. They can further rely on the data fetched by the same CRM tool to better prioritize their jobs/ responsibilities and spend time carefully on closing more deals. There are so many disadvantages of not using Sales CRM.


3. Sales Automation CRM comes with a detailed customer record page. Where sales reps get the details of every Calls, Cases, Purchase History, Payment History, etc. in a single easy to access the dashboard. Having this crucial information available on few clicks gives ultimate flexibility to sales reps to offer exceptional customer service.


4. Opportunity tracking might be the best feature of Sales CRM software. In this automation method, a CRM place leads in a particular and distinct place in the sales funnel. This enables sales reps to see which step of the sales process each of their leads is. And this assists them to take the proper steps with the client. Keeping track of these benefits in optimizing sales profits.


5. The automation possibilities don’t end with the list above. Because there are more. When you’re researching specific CRMs, have a list handy of what automation you’re looking for so you can weigh each solution’s value and fit. Do you need an automated CRM system? The answer is probably “yes!”So what are you waiting for? Get in touch with the best sales CRM software development company CRIMS now.

Tips to Successfully Manage Your Remote Sales Team

Sales CRM Software Development Company

You want your sales team to achieve their target. However, your team is scattered across the country or even the globe. And to be honest, we can all agree that managing a remote sales team is not a piece of cake. The main drawback here is a communication problem. When a problem arises, you just cannot walk over to the desk and resolve the issue face to face. And yet, some businesses are getting stellar results with remote sales teams. What are they doing right? Well, we believe we may have the answer! Let’s explore four ways to manage your remote sales team to close more deals.


Set clear expectations: A successful enterprise must recognize the limitations of their employees and help them to overcome them. So, while setting the expectation make sure to encourage them to achieve their individual goals. According to the Gallup poll, when managers set clear and defined priorities, 38% of employees feel more engaged and will work hard to boost their performance. Besides this, a manager must keep the communication channel open to engaging with the sales reps. In this regard, if you are leaning on Skype, you may look into an online sales management software and its benefits.


Use the right tool: Managing a remote sales team becomes more difficult if you do not have the right tool for the right job. Spreadsheet and Skype are not going to make you or your sales team productivity. In fact, this will increase the chances of making more mistakes. What you need is a tool that has proven background to support and manage a remote sales team. And there’s no better tool than online sales management software. This software is incredibly flexible and modular, comes with IoT and AI integration to help you manage your remote sales team effortlessly.


Promote teamwork: A team can achieve more than an individual. There’s no doubt about that. However, if your team is not living under a single roof, then how can you promote teamwork? Well, there are ways you can do that even sitting at the beach! Take regular feedback, define roles in the sales process, send updates daily, reply to messages quickly, and be available at critical times. Make sure to communicate via video calls rather than relying on email chains. This simple habit goes a long way towards establishing trust and overcoming communication roadblocks.


A remote sales team provides you with the benefit of making a sales presence in different locations. And if you do a few things right, it’s not too hard to manage it. Most of the roadblock of managing remote sales teams can be overcome through online sales management software. So if you are struggling to manage your sales team, it is the perfect time to call CRIMS, the pioneer of Sales CRM Software development.

Top 3 Powerful CRM Techniques That Can Help in Marketing

CRM Software Development Company

What is Customer Relationship Management? If we follow the definition, then the answer follows: it is a specialized piece of software developed by a software development company that collects data to boost customer relationships. Besides this, it has numerous benefits, which can be found here. Now, coming to the main point, do you know those data which CRM collects can be used to boost your marketing effort as well? CRM has become an imperative tool for marketing, as it has transformed nearly all business communication techniques.

Here are 3 ways in which CRM techniques support marketing and help businesses to draw more revenue:


Focused targeting: One of the most difficult jobs for marketers is to find out interesting customers. Running campaigns in masses don’t give a suitable return and it does exhaust a lot of resources. This problem can be overcome through customer data which CRM gathered in a large quantity. Marketers can go through this data analysed them to find out what their leads really want and need. This crucial information helps them to personalize marketing material that sales.


CRM a social savvy Tool: Social media channel is an exceptional platform that offers quality leads. Platforms like Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. are now the darling of digital marketers. And CRM is bringing social media platforms and digital marketers together. Today, most CRM development companies integrate social media into their CRM platforms. With this integration, marketers can record, track and improve their digital campaign or marketing strategy to drive more positive clicks and sales.


Personalized Campaign: After the integration of CRM software, you will definitely witness elevated customer engagements. The reason behind this is, you know exactly what customers want to read and listen to. When you are offering them personalized content in the form of a marketing campaign, you will see drastic changes in your overall sales. It has been proven that 70% of users do respond to personalized content. Your CRM knows what date is important for your customers and leads, and they can send a personalized offer on those special occasions. Your customers will love to see you care for them and they will come for more.


CRM software walked a long way & comes with enormous benefits. CRM is no longer limited to managing your customers; it has now evolved into a tool that enables Sales Automation, customer engagement and of course, marketing. Get in touch with CRIMS, one of the best CRM software company in Delhi to get your custom CRM today!

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